Forever Young
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I'm Back xD
Saturday 21 July 2012 ? 0 Atashinchi ?
assalamualaikumm creaturess :) heyyo, im backk *lambaii tangan. Home sweet home. ohh how heaven it is :') its not too late rite if i wish youu guyzz Salam Ramadhann to all Muslims yaa . Happy fasting all. Puasaaa tautau. Jangan Pontengg !! take note kay. Today 1st day of Ramadhan and im very glad Ramadhan had come to be. I just realizee that time flies very fastt. Glad and excitedd dpat bukak puasa with beloved family :') how I wishh I can berpuasa with my familyy sampaii habis ramadhann. But i've to go back to maktabb :( its okayy laa fatin emiera . you need to studyy rite ? oke-2. stayy calm.
Exam is just around the corner and do you think what i have to do ? of course laa study dearr. seriouslyy, im not ready yet. Teacher, Sir, Ustaz, Ustazah cann you extend the date of exam. Not ready yet maa ! uwaaa feel like wanna cry, pleasee somebody lend me your shoulder to cry on.

end by love <3 byebye, see ya later on the next post !
*penat menaip,

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