Forever Young
Tq for visit guys:) appreciate it so much-fatin e
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ouhh yeah yeah ^^
Wednesday 14 November 2012 ? 0 Atashinchi ?
Assalamualaikum , halllooo gaizz *wavefromhere :PP haha. dahh lamee gila tak update blog and suddenly tergerak hati nak usha what happened to my blog :3 seems like berhabuk bersawang semuanyaaa lah . Like seriously :3 

Ermm, actually i even dont know what to story or share anything :/ hmm what what eh . Hah! I just cant wait and really really cant wait to see my final semester results o.O WALAUPUN i know results to takk okay. But i really hope that i can get 3.5 above. insyaallah :) pray for me gaizz.  what?! my english broken so badly? who cares :PP because at least i'm trying ! am i right ? hehe

sakai much :* ouhh holidayy ni I really bored and bored. Boredom kills me -__-  bosan gilaa babeng laa. haha xD just waste my time by watching korea drama and what so ever..... ouhh lupa ! pelakonn korea handsomeee gilaa lahh :DD will you be my boyfriend ;p haha. it is impossible , andd i know it :)

Kali niy punya holidayyy, kite tak bolehh main-2 dah mcm dulu-2 playing barbie doll or what. Know why? because i have to study and study and study memandangkann next i am one of the candidates for PMR 2013 . wehooo :* my hearts beating so fastt like dup dap dup dap whenever i think about Pmr. Takott sangat. Hoping that i can change my attitude to become a good student and anak yg solehah :) amin . hopefully okay. I really want 8A's for my result Pmr next year. dear 8A pleasee be nice to me , pleasee be my bestfriend :) wiill you? hikhok xP

okayy, i end my entry for this time by praying for you guyss berjaya sentiasa :)
sakai much :*

Thanks for reading :)

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